A new reality show with drama that goes 300 mph! “Blown Away” is the true story of a husband and wife jet dragster team touring the country. Chris Larsen, a certified aeronautical genius and power junkie, builds the Embry Riddle jet powered car and Elaine Larsen, a potty-mouthed soccer mom, drives this fire breathing 6,000 horsepower machine. Married for 22 years, these high school sweethearts travel to drag strips across the country as Elaine risks her life each night while chasing their dreams. From the guts and the glory through laughter and tears, this jet-crazed couple with their son, Andrew, and dog, Nitro, will take television viewers along for the reality ride of their lives.
McCabe Productions Inc (MPI) produced Star Brite's newest commercial, "Play Hard." MPI does a great job highlighting the industry leader's cleaning products and their effectiveness on making boats come clean and shine like new. Their products are not only effective, but they are eco-friendly. Well done Star Brite!